Living Room

A loyal customer

For over 20 years, since NR Sales started, I am still a valued customer.

As a valued customer, NR Sales appreciate my continued support and I wholeheartedly trust in their
shipping services. With quick response times, personalized assistance, and a high level of attention.

If I have an issue, I can simply pick up my phone and call anyone of the owners directly and they help me
to resolve my issue(s) in a timely manner. Can you say that about your service provider? Can you speak
directly to the owners about your issue?

While I have no experience with the other service providers, I hear all sorts of things that other people
say about them relating to rates, accuracy in billing calculations, issues with missing packages, all sorts of
things I hear people say about them.

While I am not saying that NR Sales is perfect, it sure feels like they are because they solve whatever
issues I have had in the past in a relatively quick timeframe at no additional cost to me.

With their new technology changes, I can now download their mobile app to track my packages, pay for
my packages, get quotations, buy items from their online store all with the app.

That’s all I have to say, I am a simple person that doesn’t like difficulties in my life. For me, NR Sales
remove those complications from my importing equation.

A loyal customer

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